Farfisa Funk, Trompeten Techno, Soul Slices

Samstag Nacht, der kürzesten  im ganzen Jahr, spielen wir im  Fuchs&Elster. Ein Heimspiel. Wie immer im Fuchs wirds eng, heiß und exzessiv. Also: Füße in die Hand nehmen, die ganze Baggage anstiften und auf keinen Fall die Taucherbrille vergessen.

The Carlson Two, 21.06., Fuchs&Elster, Weserstr.207

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This week we wanna share a quite „old“ track from 2010 with you.

But the song „Man Of Wisdom“ from S.E.C.T. is definitely a goldie instead of an oldie. The Boston producer team used a well-known sample from Mulatu Astatke’s magic track „Yèkèrmo Sèw“ in such a smooth and fine way, that the combination with the deep house beat works perfectly! If you are searching for a jazzy summer special in your playlist or your next DJ set, we warmly recommend to listen to this song or to buy a copy. Continue reading

Check this awesome tune. Brought to you by Soopasoul from the UK. These guys just pick up their horns and guitars, add some super punchy bassline and stoic drums and…There you go! It fits perfectly to this wonderful day, so pump up the volume, open your windows and put on your dancing shoes! Continue reading

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we are so glad to welcome you on our new website! Please take some time to discover all these amazing new features and please feel free to send us a feedback or suggestions for improvement.

Thanks so much for visiting and all the best,

The Carlson Two.

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